What is the Buy Local Challenge?
The importance of ‘buying local’ to consumers, the economy and the environment is fundamental to SMADC’s mission to support farms and future of agriculture.
The Buy Local Challenge was created in 2007 by the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) as a regional promotion for Southern Maryland and is now promoted statewide in partnership with Maryland Department of Agriculture.

The annual statewide Buy Local Challenge (BLC) encourages all Marylanders to pledge to support their local farmers and producers by eating, drinking and enjoying locally produced farm products during Buy Local Week, always the last full week of July.
The Buy Local Challenge website is the main portal for the BLC and provides a variety of resources to engage consumers and help them find Maryland farm products during Buy Local Challenge Week and year-round.
What is the Buy Local Challenge?
The importance of ‘buying local’ to consumers, the economy and the environment is fundamental to SMADC’s mission to support farms and future of agriculture.
The Buy Local Challenge was created in 2007 by the Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (SMADC) as a regional promotion for Southern Maryland and is now promoted statewide in partnership with Maryland Department of Agriculture.

The annual statewide Buy Local Challenge (BLC) encourages all Marylanders to pledge to support their local farmers and producers by eating, drinking and enjoying locally produced farm products during Buy Local Week, always the last full week of July.
The Buy Local Challenge website is the main portal for the BLC and provides a variety of resources to engage consumers and help them find Maryland farm products during Buy Local Challenge Week and year-round.
In celebration of the 2024 Maryland Buy Local Challenge
(July 19 - July 28) all customers shopping with their federal nutrition benefits (SNAP/P-EBT/FMNP/WIC) at participating Maryland Market Money farmers markets, farm stands, and CSAs across Maryland will receive an extra $5 Buy Local Bonus in addition to their unlimited Maryland Market Money match during Buy Local Week.
Find the full list of MMM locations HERE

Shop at your local farms, farm stands, farmers' markets, wineries, grocers and markets that stock genuine local products (ask if the products are grown locally).
Future Harvest CASA's Amazing Grazing Directory
In Southern Maryland, find local farmers' markets, farm stands and farm stores in SMADC's Buy Local Guide
The following websites were supplied by the Agricultural Marketing Professionals and key Agencies in Maryland:
Anne Arundel Economic Development Corporation
Calvert County Department of Economic Development
Charles County Department of Economic Development
Maryland Agricultural and Resource-Based Industry Development Corporation(MARBIDCO)
Maryland Department of Agriculture
Montgomery County Farm to Table
Prince George's County Fresh.Local.Fun
Southern Maryland Agricultural Development Commission (Anne Arundel, Calvert, Charles, Prince George’s, St. Mary’s Counties)